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Cauliflower Fried Rice

Who wants to cook a complicated meal after coming home from a long day of work? Certainly not me. So I’m going to tell you one of my healthy, go-to meals made in under 20 minutes: Cauliflower Fried Rice. It’s Chinese food without the guilt and the greasy feeling it leaves in your stomach! It requires mostly frozen ingredients, so it’s easy to keep around and easy to eat whenever you need it!

Cauliflower Fried Rice

Serving Size: 3-4 people


1 tbsp. Ghee

2-3 bags of frozen riced cauliflower (I usually use the organic Cascadia Farms brand with kale and sweet potatoes)

1 cup of organic mixed frozen peas, carrots, corn, onions, etc. (I use organic Cascadia Farms brand)

3-4 eggs

Liquid Aminos or Coconut Aminos, to taste

2 chicken breasts (optional)


  1. Place 1 tbsp. of ghee in a large sauté pan on medium heat. Wait until completely melted and it coats the bottom of the pan.

  2. Place the frozen riced cauliflower and frozen vegetables in the pan. Add a bit of water, just enough to thinly cover the bottom of the pan. Cover and cook until thawed and warm, stirring occasionally.

  3. Once the vegetables are tender, push the rice to one side of the pan and scramble the eggs on the open side. Once cooked, mix the egg in with the rice.

  4. Finally, add the Liquid/Coconut Aminos to the rice, stirring thoroughly. Start with 1-2 tsp and add more to taste.

  5. If desired, cut up 2 chicken breasts into small pieces and cook them in a separate pan while the rice cooks. Once the chicken is cooked through, add the chicken to the rice and mix until the chicken is even through the rice, or simply put the chicken on top of the rice after it is scooped into bowls.

  6. Enjoy!

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